background image
and deviate the movement accordingly. The influence radius also gives a nice way to
visualize the pedestrians' movement and interaction without bumping or collide.
Sight distance: how far the pedestrian
can see other pedestrians or obstruction.
Maximum Acceleration: if the
pedestrian simulation is generated by
auto generator, this value will be used.
When you use manual generator or from
your own data file, this value will not be
Mass, Alpha, Beta and Chi: these
parameters are the internal parameters of
the force models. Mass will influence all
forces, Alpha will influence only move forward force, Beta affect only avoid collision
force and Chi have only an effect on the repulse away force. Please refer to author
dissertation and papers for more explanation about the model and parameters.
You can calibrate the pedestrian trap and
the simulation output in term of both time
and space.
First you can specify the size of the
pedestrian trap. Pedestrian trap is the
boundary of your study area. For example
if your study area is a pedestrian crossing
then you may change the trap similar to
whole area of the crossing.
Second calibration is the time slice (dt).
This number affects the numerical
integration of the model. The smoother
your simulation will make your simulation run very slow, but you might get quite detail
results of the simulation.
After you change the time slice, width and the height, when you push the Calibrate button,
the pedestrian trap size will automatically change.