background image
If you want to save the pedestrian data that have you have made, click `Save
Pedestrian' button. Later you can use this data using `Load Pedestrian' button. Once
you have specified the pedestrian data, you can start to run the simulation.
A note must be specified for warning: If you create other pedestrians in one session,
the data that you have created before have not been deleted from the memory and will
be added to your data. If you load pedestrian data, all your current data will be
replaced by the new set of data.
If you use manually generated data, your pedestrian will always have color of blue.
Darker color represents the higher speed relative to its maximum speed.
Once you have generated pedestrian data manually, you may also want to create your
pedestrian data using any text editor such as NotePad or WordPad. The location of the
pedestrian data is in your Micro-PedSim directory, a file name "PedData.pim".
The record of each pedestrian is in one row in the text file. The data is separated by
commas consecutively consist of
1. Pedestrian number
2. Initial position (x, y) in meter relative to the pedestrian trap
3. Target position (X,Y) in meter relative to the pedestrian trap
4. Initial velocity (Vx,Vy) in meter/second
5. Maximum speed in meter/second
6. Maximum acceleration in meter/second square.
Once you have modify the pedestrian data file,
make sure that you have back up a copy of
this data in another directory since any new
manually generated data that you create and
save will replace this file without warning.
The default of Micro-PedSim is auto
generated pedestrians. You may need to
specify how Micro-PedSim will generate the
pedestrians automatically for you. When
menu Input-Auto generator is clicked or Ctrl-
A is pressed; `Automatic Pedestrians
Generator' dialog will appear. It has four tabs:
Time, Space, Max Speed and Ways.