In this page, we are dealing with integer IFN. IFN Composition is a transformation from network signature into an Ideal Flow Network. IFN Decomposition is a transformation from an Ideal Flow Network into network signature. The matrix of Ideal Flow Network (IFN) is irreducible premagic. Irreducible means strongly connected network. Premagic means the sum of rows is exacly the same as the corresponding sum of columns.
A strongly connected network (i.e., irreducible adjacency matrix) contains at least one cycle. These cycles can be shorten by removing the last node since it is clear that the first and the last element of a cycle is the same. To avoid repetition of the same permuted cycle, we write the cycles in canonical notation. A cycle represention is canonical when the smallest element of the cycle is written as the first element of the cycle.
Suppose the adjacency matrix \( \mathbf{A} \) contains \( k \) canonical cycles \( \hat{c}_{i} \). An assignment operator on a cycle is equal to the adding one unit of flow along the cycle. If the node in the cycle does not exist in the network, the network is expanded by adding that node. If the link in the cycle does not exist in the network, the assignment operator will first add the link to the network before adding one unit flow to the links along the cycle.
A network signature is a string code that build an ideal flow network (IFN). A network signature is in the form of the summation of terms. Each term contains a coefficient and a canonical cycle. The coefficient indicates the number of repetitions that the cycle would be assigned to form the network. The addition indicates merging operation between two networks. An Ideal Flow Network can be obtained by the following network signature: $$ \mathbf{F} = \sum_{i=1}^{n}\alpha_{i}\hat{c}_{i} $$
A network signature need to pass irreducibility condition. Suppose each canonical cycle forms a term and the coefficient of the term represents how many times the cycle would be assigned to the network. To ensure irreducibility, in each term, there must be at least one node that overlap (i.e. the same node name) with at least one other term. The overlapping node is called pivot.
Network signature is not unique. The same IFN can be obtained by several network signature of different cycles. Two signatures are called equivalent if they yield the same ideal flow matrix (hence the same link flows) but it may have decomposed into different canonical cycles. Two signatures are called identical when they have the exact same canonical cycle sets and integer coefficients. This happens because cycles in signature are not always canonical and the coefficient of the same canonical cycle can be added.
a Signature Graph is a visualization of network signature. It has a central node with a plus-sign (`+`), surrounding nodes for canonical cycles, and edges with thickness and labels for coefficients and optionally pivots. A pivot is a node sequence common to two cycles. Pivots are either overlapping nodes, links (= 2 node sequences), or paths (= more than 2 node sequence) between two cycles in the signature, represented as a substring intersection between two canonical cycles.
Network Signature
IFN Lab: IFN Composition-Decomposition