


Who Is God?


He is the creator of heaven and earth . We call Him God Almighty , Holy One among us , God of all comfort , Comforter in sorrow , Wonderful Counselor . He is not far because He is also our Father , our Friend , our Advocate , our Guide , our Help , our Hope , our peace , our great high priest , our sure foundation , our confidence , our hiding place , our stronghold , our refuge and strength , our strong deliverer , our Redeemer , our savior , our life . He is faithful and True , a consuming fire , God who avenges us , and jealous God . He is God who save us , defender of widows . He is King of kings and Lord of lords, Sovereign Lord , Prince of Peace , righteous Judge . He is our leader , good teacher , head of the church , and good shepherd . Moreover, He is our support , bread of life , Lord of the harvest . He is our mediator and the most Holy. God is love and light of life .


How wonderful He is.

Genesis 1:1

Genesis 17:1

Hosea 11:9

2 Cor. 1:3

Jer 8:18

Isa 9:16

Isa 64:8

Job 16:20

Job 16:19

Ps 48:14

Ps 33:20

Ps 71:5

Eph 2;14

Heb 4:14

Isa 28:16

Ps 71:5

Ps 32:7

Ps 18:2

Ps 46:1

Ps 140:7

Ps 19:14

Ex 15:2

Col 3:4

Rev 19:1

Deut 4:24

Ps 18:47

Ex 34:14

Ps 51:14

Ps 68:5

1 Tim 6:15

Luke 2:19

Isa 9:6

2 Tim 4:8

2 Chron 13:12

Mark 10:17

Eph 5:23

John 10:11

2 Sam 22:19

John 6:35

Matt 9:38

1 Tim 2:5

John 8:12


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