A decorator is wrapping object or function to existing objects or function. You can modify the behavior of a function or a class using decorator. The purpose is to add functionality (hence, to decorate) to existing objects without affecting the other objects. Say, you want to maintain the original functionality while adding new functionality or you want to deliver both the core functionality and then “decorate” those cores with functionality unique to the customer, then Python decorator is for you.
The technique is to create a wrapper function (or class) such that the wrapped function (or object) would change behavior without changing its code. This happens because function in Python can be passed as an argument of another function or another class as if it is a variable. In a decorator, function is taken as the argument into decorator function and then called inside the wrapper function inside the decorator.
In this tutorial, you will learn about:
Other Example of Applications of Python Decorators:
Python contains many built-in decorators such as (@property,@classmethod, @staticmethod). Let us discuss some of them.
@property is a built-in decorator to change class method into property to customize getters and setters for class attributes. We can change class method into class property by adding decorator @property above the method. In the the example below, without @property decorator, we must refer the area of rectangle as rectangleA.area(). With @property decorator, the area() method would behave as property.
class Rectangle():
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
@property # add this line
def area(self):
return self.width * self.height
rectangleA = Rectangle(width=2, height=4)
print('Area rectangle A is ',
rectangleA.area) # remove parenthesis from area()
rectangleB = Rectangle(width=3, height=7.5)
print('Area rectangle B is ',
rectangleB.area) # remove parenthesis from area()
Area rectangle A is 8 Area rectangle B is 22.5
In the example below, a person object must be defined by its name and age. There is no function to to define the person object by the birth year.
Notice that isAdult(age) method does not contain self. This is an example of static method. We can call the method directly without defining the object. We cannot call person1.isAdult(16)
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def isAdult(age):
return age > 18
person1 = Person('Maya', 16)
person2 = Person('Budi', 24)
except Exception as e:
Maya 16 Budi 24 True Person.isAdult() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
Now let us improve the class above by adding a class method to create a Person object by birth year and to explicitly state that isAdult(age) is actually a static method.
from datetime import date
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
# a class method to create a Person object by birth year.
def fromBirthYear(cls, name, year):
return cls(name, date.today().year - year)
# a static method to check if a Person is adult or not.
def isAdult(age):
return age > 18
person1 = Person('Maya', 16)
# an alternative definition: the person can be defined from the class method
person2 = Person.fromBirthYear('Budi', 1999)
# using static method, we dont need to know the person
Maya 16 Budi 24 True False
Below is another example that uses all the three decorators that we have discussed above.
class Circle:
def __init__(self, radius):
self._radius = radius
def radius(self):
"""Get value of radius"""
return self._radius
def radius(self, value):
"""Set radius, raise error if negative"""
if value >= 0:
self._radius = value
raise ValueError("Radius must be positive")
def area(self):
"""Calculate area inside circle"""
return self.pi() * self.radius**2
def cylinder_volume(self, height):
"""Calculate volume of cylinder with circle as base"""
return self.area * height
def unit_circle(cls):
"""Factory method creating a circle with radius 1"""
return cls(1)
def pi():
"""Value of π, could also use math.pi instead of a constant here"""
return 3.1415926535
print('---new circle---')
c=Circle(2) # define circle with radius 2 units
print('---new circle---')
c.radius=1 # redefine the radius
print('---new circle---')
f=Circle.unit_circle() # we don't need to enter the radius of the circle
---new circle--- area: 12.566370614 radius: 2 volume: 37.699111842 ---new circle--- area: 3.1415926535 radius: 1 volume: 9.4247779605 pi: 3.1415926535 ---new circle--- area: 3.1415926535 radius: 1 volume: 9.4247779605
Let us define a useful decorator to print the run time of any iterative function. This timer function would take any function as the argument. Then we define a wrapper function that would take all the arguments and dictionary arguments of the wrapped function. The wrapper function would run the wrapped function, get the result, print the run time then pass the result back.
import time
import functools
def timer(func):
@functools.wraps(func) # to preserve information about the original function
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
result=func(*args, **kwargs)
print(f"run time of {func.__name__}: {end_time-start_time:.4f} seconds")
return result
return wrapper
To use the timer function above as a decorator, let us define the wrapped function and put @timer decorator on top of the wrapped function.
def my_wrapped_function(argument):
return str(argument)+"abc"
run time of my_wrapped_function: 1.0094 seconds
The meaning of decorator above is the same as the following function.
run time of my_wrapped_function: 1.0062 seconds
For recurrence function, timer decorator above would print at every recursive calls and this is not desireable. To solve that problem, let us also define a Timer class. Source: real python
import time
class TimerError(Exception):
"""A custom exception used to report errors in use of Timer class"""
class Timer:
def __init__(self):
self._start_time = None
def start(self):
"""Start a new timer"""
if self._start_time is not None:
raise TimerError(f"Timer is running. Use .stop() to stop it")
self._start_time = time.perf_counter()
def stop(self):
"""Stop the timer, and report the elapsed time"""
if self._start_time is None:
raise TimerError(f"Timer is not running. Use .start() to start it")
elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - self._start_time
self._start_time = None
print(f"Elapsed time: {elapsed_time:0.4f} seconds")
def my_wrapped_function(argument):
return str(argument)+"abc"
Elapsed time: 1.0025 seconds
The debug decorator below (source: real python) would print the arguments whenever the wrapped function is called and its return value. This is useful to see how the function works
import functools
def debug(func):
"""Print the function arguments as string and the return value"""
def wrapper_debug(*args, **kwargs):
args_repr = [repr(a) for a in args] # list of the positional arguments
kwargs_repr = [f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in kwargs.items()] # list of the keyword arguments
signature = ", ".join(args_repr + kwargs_repr) # join positional and keyword arguments
print(f"calling {func.__name__}({signature})")
value = func(*args, **kwargs)
print(f"{func.__name__!r} returned {value!r}") # print return value
return value
return wrapper_debug
As example, we can debug how the fibonacci recursive function works.
def fib(n):
if n<2:
return n
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
calling fib(7) calling fib(6) calling fib(5) calling fib(4) calling fib(3) calling fib(2) calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(0) 'fib' returned 0 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 'fib' returned 2 calling fib(2) calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(0) 'fib' returned 0 'fib' returned 1 'fib' returned 3 calling fib(3) calling fib(2) calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(0) 'fib' returned 0 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 'fib' returned 2 'fib' returned 5 calling fib(4) calling fib(3) calling fib(2) calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(0) 'fib' returned 0 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 'fib' returned 2 calling fib(2) calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(0) 'fib' returned 0 'fib' returned 1 'fib' returned 3 'fib' returned 8 calling fib(5) calling fib(4) calling fib(3) calling fib(2) calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(0) 'fib' returned 0 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 'fib' returned 2 calling fib(2) calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(0) 'fib' returned 0 'fib' returned 1 'fib' returned 3 calling fib(3) calling fib(2) calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(0) 'fib' returned 0 'fib' returned 1 calling fib(1) 'fib' returned 1 'fib' returned 2 'fib' returned 5 'fib' returned 13 Elapsed time: 0.0006 seconds
Sometimes we want the program to run smoothly without terminating it even if there is an error. However, we want to get the warning on the error. Error handler decorator is useful for that purpose.
def error_handler(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
except TypeError:
print(f"{func.__name__} wrong data types.")
except NameError:
print(f"{func.__name__} has wrong variable.")
except ZeroDivisionError:
print(f"function '{func.__name__}' contains division by zero.")
except OSError as err:
print("OS error:", err)
except SystemError:
print("There were SystemErrors")
except ValueError:
print("Could not convert data to an integer.")
except Exception as e:
print(f'caught {type(e)}: e')
except Exception as err:
print(f"Unexpected {err=}, {type(err)=}")
return wrapper
def mean(a,b):
return (a*b)/(a+b)
function 'mean' contains division by zero.
The following decorator would allow a multi-argument function to be called with arguments in list/tuple. Source: stack overflow
import functools
def flatten_args(func):
def wrapper(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
return func(*args[0])
return func(*args)
return wrapper
def pow(base,exp):
return base**exp
pow([3,4]) # this is where the flatten argument take place
The following decorator maintain the states of the number of calls. Source: real python
import functools
def count_calls(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
wrapper.num_calls += 1
if wrapper.num_calls==1:
print(f"calling {func.__name__!r} for {wrapper.num_calls} time")
print(f"calling {func.__name__!r} for {wrapper.num_calls} times ")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper.num_calls = 0
return wrapper
def fib(n):
if n<2:
return n
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
calling 'fib' for 1 time calling 'fib' for 2 times calling 'fib' for 3 times calling 'fib' for 4 times calling 'fib' for 5 times calling 'fib' for 6 times calling 'fib' for 7 times calling 'fib' for 8 times calling 'fib' for 9 times calling 'fib' for 10 times calling 'fib' for 11 times calling 'fib' for 12 times calling 'fib' for 13 times calling 'fib' for 14 times calling 'fib' for 15 times calling 'fib' for 16 times calling 'fib' for 17 times calling 'fib' for 18 times calling 'fib' for 19 times calling 'fib' for 20 times calling 'fib' for 21 times calling 'fib' for 22 times calling 'fib' for 23 times calling 'fib' for 24 times calling 'fib' for 25 times calling 'fib' for 26 times calling 'fib' for 27 times calling 'fib' for 28 times calling 'fib' for 29 times calling 'fib' for 30 times calling 'fib' for 31 times calling 'fib' for 32 times calling 'fib' for 33 times calling 'fib' for 34 times calling 'fib' for 35 times calling 'fib' for 36 times calling 'fib' for 37 times calling 'fib' for 38 times calling 'fib' for 39 times calling 'fib' for 40 times calling 'fib' for 41 times
The memoize decorator would return the cache of any function. First, it would check if the function has been already been called with the same argument. If so, it would return the cache value instead of calling the function again. Thus, it would speed up the computation.
import functools
def memoize(func):
cache = {}
def wrapper(*args):
if args in cache:
return cache[args]
cache[args] = result
return result
return wrapper
To see how it works, let us use this memoize function to compute fibonacci number. First, we use debug decorator to print the function calls. Then we chain it with memoize decorator.
def fib(n):
if n<2:
return n
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
calling 'fib' for 1 time calling 'fib' for 2 times calling 'fib' for 3 times calling 'fib' for 4 times calling 'fib' for 5 times calling 'fib' for 6 times calling 'fib' for 7 times calling 'fib' for 8 times calling 'fib' for 9 times calling 'fib' for 10 times calling 'fib' for 11 times calling 'fib' for 12 times calling 'fib' for 13 times Elapsed time: 0.0001 seconds
The chain of decorators would works differently if we reverse the chain order.
def fib(n):
if n<2:
return n
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
calling 'fib' for 1 time calling 'fib' for 2 times calling 'fib' for 3 times calling 'fib' for 4 times calling 'fib' for 5 times calling 'fib' for 6 times calling 'fib' for 7 times calling 'fib' for 8 times Elapsed time: 0.0003 seconds
Python standard library has already memoize function call @lru_cache. You just need to call it.
Let us define fibonacci function with and without memoize decorator and without debug decorator to check the run time of large fibonacci number.
# without memoization
def fib0(n):
if n<2:
return n
return fib0(n-1)+fib0(n-2)
from functools import lru_cache
def fib1(n):
if n<2:
return n
return fib1(n-1)+fib1(n-2)
def fib2(n):
if n<2:
return n
return fib2(n-1)+fib2(n-2)
# let test them to see the difference in run time
print('without memoize')
print('with memoize')
print('with lru_cache')
without memoize Elapsed time: 2.1269 seconds with memoize Elapsed time: 0.0000 seconds with lru_cache Elapsed time: 0.0000 seconds
Using decorator we can plot any function and also return the array result of the function.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
result=func(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
def cosinewave():
import numpy as np
return y
def sinewave():
import numpy as np
return y
array([ 1. , 0.99798668, 0.99195481, 0.9819287 , 0.9679487 , 0.95007112, 0.92836793, 0.90292654, 0.87384938, 0.84125353, 0.80527026, 0.76604444, 0.72373404, 0.67850941, 0.63055267, 0.58005691, 0.52722547, 0.47227107, 0.41541501, 0.35688622, 0.29692038, 0.23575894, 0.17364818, 0.1108382 , 0.04758192, -0.01586596, -0.07924996, -0.14231484, -0.20480667, -0.26647381, -0.32706796, -0.38634513, -0.44406661, -0.5 , -0.55392006, -0.60560969, -0.65486073, -0.70147489, -0.74526445, -0.78605309, -0.82367658, -0.85798341, -0.88883545, -0.91610846, -0.93969262, -0.95949297, -0.97542979, -0.98743889, -0.99547192, -0.99949654, -0.99949654, -0.99547192, -0.98743889, -0.97542979, -0.95949297, -0.93969262, -0.91610846, -0.88883545, -0.85798341, -0.82367658, -0.78605309, -0.74526445, -0.70147489, -0.65486073, -0.60560969, -0.55392006, -0.5 , -0.44406661, -0.38634513, -0.32706796, -0.26647381, -0.20480667, -0.14231484, -0.07924996, -0.01586596, 0.04758192, 0.1108382 , 0.17364818, 0.23575894, 0.29692038, 0.35688622, 0.41541501, 0.47227107, 0.52722547, 0.58005691, 0.63055267, 0.67850941, 0.72373404, 0.76604444, 0.80527026, 0.84125353, 0.87384938, 0.90292654, 0.92836793, 0.95007112, 0.9679487 , 0.9819287 , 0.99195481, 0.99798668, 1. ])
array([ 0.00000000e+00, 6.34239197e-02, 1.26592454e-01, 1.89251244e-01, 2.51147987e-01, 3.12033446e-01, 3.71662456e-01, 4.29794912e-01, 4.86196736e-01, 5.40640817e-01, 5.92907929e-01, 6.42787610e-01, 6.90079011e-01, 7.34591709e-01, 7.76146464e-01, 8.14575952e-01, 8.49725430e-01, 8.81453363e-01, 9.09631995e-01, 9.34147860e-01, 9.54902241e-01, 9.71811568e-01, 9.84807753e-01, 9.93838464e-01, 9.98867339e-01, 9.99874128e-01, 9.96854776e-01, 9.89821442e-01, 9.78802446e-01, 9.63842159e-01, 9.45000819e-01, 9.22354294e-01, 8.95993774e-01, 8.66025404e-01, 8.32569855e-01, 7.95761841e-01, 7.55749574e-01, 7.12694171e-01, 6.66769001e-01, 6.18158986e-01, 5.67059864e-01, 5.13677392e-01, 4.58226522e-01, 4.00930535e-01, 3.42020143e-01, 2.81732557e-01, 2.20310533e-01, 1.58001396e-01, 9.50560433e-02, 3.17279335e-02, -3.17279335e-02, -9.50560433e-02, -1.58001396e-01, -2.20310533e-01, -2.81732557e-01, -3.42020143e-01, -4.00930535e-01, -4.58226522e-01, -5.13677392e-01, -5.67059864e-01, -6.18158986e-01, -6.66769001e-01, -7.12694171e-01, -7.55749574e-01, -7.95761841e-01, -8.32569855e-01, -8.66025404e-01, -8.95993774e-01, -9.22354294e-01, -9.45000819e-01, -9.63842159e-01, -9.78802446e-01, -9.89821442e-01, -9.96854776e-01, -9.99874128e-01, -9.98867339e-01, -9.93838464e-01, -9.84807753e-01, -9.71811568e-01, -9.54902241e-01, -9.34147860e-01, -9.09631995e-01, -8.81453363e-01, -8.49725430e-01, -8.14575952e-01, -7.76146464e-01, -7.34591709e-01, -6.90079011e-01, -6.42787610e-01, -5.92907929e-01, -5.40640817e-01, -4.86196736e-01, -4.29794912e-01, -3.71662456e-01, -3.12033446e-01, -2.51147987e-01, -1.89251244e-01, -1.26592454e-01, -6.34239197e-02, -2.44929360e-16])
We can extend the decorator into any reusable function. For instance, here we can create ordinarry differential equation solver (ode solver) and use it as decorator of any function.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def ode_solver(func):
def wrapper(t_span,y0,args=(),**kwargs):
return solution.t, solution.y
return wrapper
def exponential_func(t,y,k):
return k*y
[ 0. 0.1272514 1.39976539 4.88735235 9.11252593 10. ] [[ 1. 1.03891346 1.52185507 4.33284482 15.39054055 20.08544355]]
Last Update: 04 June 2023