Kardi Teknomo
Kardi Teknomo Kardi Teknomo Kardi Teknomo

What is happiness and how to be happy?

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Over many years of my personal exploration about life, I found that happiness is not from outside. Happiness is within us. Happiness is just a state of mind. Do I feel happy? Yes, I am a happy person since I know how to be happy. It is very simple. Do not expect anything and do not attach your heart to anything for a moment. Praise God that He has given us many things in our life. Count the blessings that God has given you and you will be surprised that you can give thanks on many things and as the result, you will be happy.

Can you breathe? Breathe deeply and feel it. You will feel good. Are you healthy? Do you have food to eat? Can you sleep easily? Give thanks for it. Do you have a brother and a sister or a parent? Give thanks for them. Do you have friends? Praise God for them. Do you have a spouse or children? Do you have house or apartment? Do you have a TV, computer, phone, or any gadget? Praise God that He provided for you. Do you have a job or study or activity to do as your daily routine? Count them as your blessing.

Hey, you may ask, aren’t those very normal things that are basic things for anyone? Well, if you take everything for granted, then you will see all of that are just “normal” things that you should have it. Try this thinking. Imagine that you don’t have those “normal” things, is it possible to happen? Sure. Orphans have no parents. Some people have no brothers or sisters, many people are not healthy. A lot of persons can not own a house or gadgets that you have. Many persons do not even eat regularly. When you think from a different point of view, everything looks different.

For those of you who are not fortunate enough to have all those things, is it possible to be happy? Sure. Happiness is not determined by the things outside us. It is you who determine whether want to be happy or not. It is not the environment. As long as you are still alive, you can feel happiness as much as you want to and as long as you want to.

How to be happy? As I told you previously, do not expect anything and do not attach your heart to anything for the moment and give thanks to God earnestly. If you don’t have money, food, good health, do not expect to have one. If you don’t have parents or brothers or sisters or friends or wife or husband or children, do not expect to have one. If you do not have a house, clothes, job, car, games, TV, refrigerator, computer, Internet, or anything, do not expect to have one.

But I need those things, you may say. Yes, I know you need those things; I do not say that you don’t need to have those things. I only say that to be happy do not expect to have those things and do not attach your heart to those things. Attach your heart to God then you will be happy.

Is this some kind of religion stuff to persuade people to join one of the religions? No, it is not. I do not persuade you to join any religion but to have relationship with God, the creator of everything.

Many people think that the more they have, they will feel happy. This is not true. Happiness is not related to the materials that you own. Happiness is not related to your level of education, your income, or your social circles, etc. Happiness is only related to your own perception. Happiness is inside you. Only you can decide whether you want to be happy or not.

But I need those things, you may say. Yes, I know you need those things; I do not say that you don’t need to have those things, I only say that to be happy do not expect to have those things and do not attach your heart to those things. Attach your heart to God then you will be happy.
Is this some kind of religion stuff to persuade people to be joining one of the religions? No, it is not. I do not persuade you to join any religion but to have relationship with God, the creator of everything.

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