What is a problem? Problem
is the different between realities as we perceived and what we hope
or expected. Thus, problem is only comparison of perceptions against
beliefs. Most problems are only inside our own mind. Often what we
think as a problem is not the real problem. It is a common problem.
Common problem is a problem that disappears by itself simply by making
our expectation lower, or simply by changing our perception about
what we consider as reality. Real problem is a problem that related
to our survival. It cannot be solved by reducing our expectation or
changing our perception. For example, you walk in the middle of Sahara
dessert alone without any equipment or animal support and you just
finish your last water is a real problem. Losing your job, get sick,
quarrel with your friend or fail in an exam are common problems. When
we face the difficulty of the problem, we often think our common problem
as the real problem.
To be smart,
we should understand about the nature of solutions:
- Solution is a way to minimize the gap between realities as we
perceived and what we expect. Correct solution will minimize the
gap for a long term or permanently.
- Since we are dynamically changing, permanent solution is very
ideal and very rare. Long term solution is more practical than permanent
- There is what we called practical solution. It is just any solutions
that working. It reduces the gap between reality and expectation,
but not necessarily minimize it in the long term. Wrong solution
is also a solution as long as it is working (for temporary or short
term). Solution of a problem is not necessarily the correct one.
Solution of a problem is not necessarily the optimum one.
- Wrong solution, after we refine it, may usually lead to the correct
solution. Thus, we do not need to be afraid to take any working
solution as our practical solution. No need to be perfect at the
first step. Taking the first step is very important toward the solution.
- Correct solution, after we refine it will usually lead to optimum
solution Repeating of improvement toward the perfection is very
important to gain high achievement.
- However, optimum solution is not necessarily the correct solution.
People often confuses the correct solution as the optimum solution
because they think that optimum solution is always correct.
- Short-term solution (only work for short term) can be very different
from long-term solution. We need to distinguish short term solution
from the long term solution.
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