What is Jewels of Morning Dews?
Jewels of morning Dew is a unique self-help e-book which basically says that you can solve your problem smartly if you can evaluate your belief, your perception and your attitude toward your problems. What you act or react is directly influence by the way of your thinking, your values, and your beliefs. The book describes how it is possible to change your own perspective, attitude, and belief in such a way so that the responses of other persons or situations surround will be advantageous to you.
Your Benefit
You may have read the FREE articles of handbook of personal development this far. We believe our FREE articles have given you insightful, fascinating self-help and self-discoveries. Do you want to read them in a full nice format e-book? Jewels of Morning Dew discuss many broad subjects that may refresh your mind on happiness, life purpose, destiny, luck and opportunity. The book also discuss personal management of time and money and many practical ideas in how to do the best, how to be well-prepare, how to be self-motivation, how to winning competition and how to face critics and discouragement, how to enhance creativity, and how to be self-discipline and many more. Moreover, Jewels of Morning Dew also contains some advance subjects such ritual, meditation, setting body clock and controlling your own dream. This book will give you many new perspectives to face your daily problems productively. The topics are explained in very simple and self-contained description with examples and illustrations for real world applications. You may use this book for your personal meditation companion as well as for a group discussion.
Why do you need to download Jewels of Morning Dew NOW?
- This is a treasure book that definitely may change your life. Once you read this book and apply the principles and rules in this book in your daily activities, you will have a meaningful life, gain self-motivation and confident to see any problem in life as a challenge rather than as a problem. This book shows how to be smart by knowing, controlling and exploring your own belief, perception and attitude to solve any problems in your life.
- This book provides many new interesting insight that never been covered in other books.
- A unique feature of this book is the balance between principles and applications, and the dependability of the spirituality of your own inner self and social values.
- Many people have found the coverage of the book is fascinating because they never thought the subjects were possible to be accomplished only using simple change of perspective, belief and attitude.
- It includes mind and body integration as well as personal management
- Tired of ads? Bored on only partial text? By purchasing the e-book of Jewels of Morning Dew, you will be able to read the full text in a very nice PDF format without advertising. You can zoom in and out to see the formulas clearly. You can read in any computing device (phone, tablet, PC, laptop, Mac, iPad).
- You can read it off-line anywhere anytime even when you don’t have internet connection.
Table of Contents
- What is happiness and how to be happy?
- What is the purpose of your life?
- How to change your destiny
- Blame nothing
- How to be a lucky person
- How to see opportunity?
- Have you done your best?
- Why do you need to accept your own existence?
- How to solve most of your problems?
- Time for hope
- How to use your time efficiently?
- How to earn more money?
- How to manage your money?
- What is a financial period?
- Illusion of freedom to buy
- Quality of life is a Choice
- Savings, what is it for?
- How to Manage the Short Time Financial Needs?
- When is having a Debt good?
- What is the real meaning of your earning?
- How to have a high spirit to work or study?
- How to win competition without stress?
- How to face critics and discouragement?
- How to enhance your creative imagination?
- Role Play
- Finding Strategy Using Mental Simulation
- Preparation of Mental Simulation
- Space and Time Travel
- What-If analysis
- How to do mental simulation?
- How to enhance your creativity?
- How to gather ideas from ourselves?
- How to gather ideas from a group of persons?
- Attitude that Produce Creativity
- How to have self-discipline?
- How to gather ideas from your dream?
- How to Go to a Dream World
- How to go to the dream world back and forth?
- How to control your body clock?
- How to be aware about your own belief?
- Closed and Open Mind
- Why do you need to set up your own ritual?
- How to meditate?
- How to solve the problems in your life smartly?
- Being smart means …
- Smartness Principle
- How does Smartness Principle work?
- Four Basic Rules of Problem Solving
- Four Practical Steps to Solve Any Problems

A few comments from web visitors about some articles of this book
Thanks for your article "how to be Happy". I think you are right. When people grow become more materialistic … they lost what is called happiness in life. Frankly speaking, I have change my way of thinking about concept of happiness after reading your article. I can create happiness without money. |
thank-u for this page ,I really enjoyed it and found some answers i needed. this is great that you do this to help others. God bless you there is a million questions i would like to ask you ,but i will just keep reading your web page |
The same day I received your email I was plunged into a crisis here which threatens the future of the work I do here. What is amazing is that at Church on Sunday I got the same message everywhere in the worship and listening to the preaching - that God has my future in His hands and that things which seem bad He can turn into something very good. I knew beyond doubt that He was speaking to me when the guest preacher started talking about an old Chinese story about a farmer who lost his horse but which later turned out to be the saving of his son from a battle. I thought - wait I've read that on Kardi's website! The fact that I was getting the same story within a few days from two such unconnected sources meant to me that God was speaking to me through it into my own situation. |
This is a short message to inform you that I have been greatly inspired by your web site. |
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