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Resources on Complex Number

Microsoft Excel has many functions related to complex number:

  • COMPLEX(a,b,"j") = return a complex number A=a+bj
  • IMABS(A) = modulus of a complex number A, |A|
  • IMAGINARY(A) = imaginary coefficient of a complex number A, Im(A)
  • IMARGUMENT(A) = angle argument of a complex number A in radian, arg(A)
  • IMCONJUGATE(A) = complex conjugate of a complex number A, A*
  • IMCOS(A) = the cosine of a complex number A, Cos(A)
  • IMDIV(A,B) = division of two complex numbers A/B
  • IMEXP(A) = the exponential of a complex number A, exp(A)
  • IMLN(A) = the natural logarithm of a complex number A, Ln(A)
  • IMLOG10 = the log base-10 of a complex number A, Log10(A)
  • IMLOG2= the log base-2 of a complex number A, Log2(A)
  • IMPOWER(A,n) = complex power of A^n
  • IMPRODUCT(A,B) = Complex multiplication A.B
  • IMREAL(A) = real coefficient of a complex number A, Re(A)
  • IMSIN(A) = the sine of a complex number A, Sin(A)
  • IMSQRT(A) = square root of a complex number A, Sqrt(A)
  • IMSUB(A,B) = complex subtraction A-B
  • IMSUM(A,B) = complex addition A+B

=COMPLEX(2,3,"j") produces 2+3j
=IMABS("1+j") produces 1.4142 (the modulus of A=(1,1) is square root of 2)
=IMAGINARY("2+3j") produces 3
=DEGREES(IMARGUMENT("1+j")) produces 45
=IMCONJUGATE("2+3j") produces 2-3j
=IMPRODUCT("1+j","2+3j") produces -1+5j
=IMCOS("1+j") produces 0.833730025131149-0.988897705762865j

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