How do we obtain approximation ratio of a real number? Suppose you have a number with several decimal digits like this: 2.14567, what is the best rational approximation of this number? What is the error of this approximation? Try the Decimal to Rational number calculator below.
Then, ; Select digit of accuracy = .
Of course, we can always say that 2.14567 = 214567/100000 without any approximation. However, some number like
may not have the exact decimal number and we can use approximation of continued fraction using this simple algorithm:
Suppose we have a decimal number
At the beginning, we compute term, error and reciprocal of remainder respectively as
Then continued the iteration with iteration formula
, for
Once we get the term of continued fraction, we can use the difference equation
to get the ratio
The iteration is stop when the absolute error is very small
and we report the result of one iteration before.
Example (hand calculation):
, and we set accuracy
we want to get the fraction approximation.
We start with making a continued fraction. We use difference equation with initial condition
(by definition), then
with absolute error
, thus we continue the iteration
The first iteration we have
, then
with absolute error
, thus we continue the iteration
The second iteration we have
, then
with absolute error
, thus we continue the iteration
The third iteration we have
, then
with absolute error
, thus we stop the iteration and report the conversion of decimal
with remainder
Implementation Code
Visual Basic code for this conversion is given below
Function Decimal2Fraction(ByVal decNum As Double, ByVal accuracy As Double, _
ByRef nominator, ByRef denominator, ByRef remainder)
' Input decNum always between zero to 1 ' copyright (c) Kardi Teknomo 2006-2023 '
Dim a(25) ' I assume the accuracy is lower than 25 digit decimalsDim y(25), r(25)Dim p(25), q(25)Dim errorDim i As Integer, k As IntegerDim ratio As Double, prevRatio As DoubleFor k = 0 To 24If k = 0 Thena(0) = Int(decNum) ' function Int in VB is equivalent to Floorr(0) = decNum - a(0)If r(0) <> 0 Then y(0) = 1 / r(0)p(0) = a(0)q(0) = 1ratio = p(0) / q(0)error = Abs(decNum - ratio)Elsea(k) = Int(y(k - 1)) ' function Int in VB is equivalent to Floorr(k) = y(k - 1) - a(k)y(k) = 1 / r(k)If k = 1 Thenp(1) = a(1) * p(0) + 1q(1) = a(1) * q(0)Elsep(k) = a(k) * p(k - 1) + p(k - 2)q(k) = a(k) * q(k - 1) + q(k - 2)End Ifratio = p(k) / q(k)error = Abs(ratio - prevRatio)End IfIf error < accuracy ThenExit ForElseprevRatio = ratioEnd IfNext k' report the resultsnominator = p(k - 1)denominator = q(k - 1)remainder = r(k - 1)Decimal2Fraction = nominator / denominatorEnd Function
Try the online interactive program that use the above Decimal to Fraction code so that you can see the code in action.
Alternatively, you may use the program or
spreadsheet companion of this tutorial
to get conversion of any decimal numbers. For example, try interesting number such as
and try different accuracy
This tutorial is copyrighted .
Preferable reference for this tutorial is
Teknomo, Kardi (2015) Continued Fraction.