By Kardi Teknomo, PhD .

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Addition of Two Complex Numbers

If we have two complex numbers Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition and Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition then we can add them together

Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition

Graphically complex addition is the same as vector addition. We construct a parallelogram and find its diagonal. Diagram below illustrates complex addition. Geometrically adding a complex number Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition with a complex number Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition will translate Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition to the right with amount of Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition and shifted upward with amount of Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition .

Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition

Complex Number Calculator

First number: real part imaginary part Second number: real part imaginary part Operation

Properties of Complex Addition

  • Zero complex number Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition is the identity element of complex addition because Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition is the identity element of complex addition because Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition
  • Commutative Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition
  • Associative Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition
  • Triangular Inequality Complex Number Tutorial: Complex Addition . Point O with A and B form a triangle. One side of the triangle cannot exceed the sum of the other two sides. The modulus of the sum of any complex numbers is not greater than the sum of their moduli. . Point O with A and B form a triangle. One side of the triangle cannot exceed the sum of the other two sides. The modulus of the sum of any complex numbers is not greater than the sum of their moduli.

See Also : Complex Subtraction , Complex Multiplication , Complex Arithmetic , Vector Addition

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