Logistic growth
Difference equation : the following forms are equivalent
The interactive program below produces Logistic Growth. Input the initial value x(0) and constant r and g then click "Find" button to find x(n) and to show the plot.
Characteristics of Logistic Growth Model:
- Multiply by a growth factor that depends linearly on the current terms of the sequence
- The growth factor is linearly depend on the size
- = capacity.
- If , then every is remain in the interval
- If , then the model may produce unrealistic results such as negative or
- If , the model will eventually level off at a steady value of .
- If , the will steadily decrease with zero asymptote. If , the will level off to a steady positive value of
See also: Dynamical System tutorial
Preferable reference for this tutorial is
Teknomo, Kardi (2015) Simple Growth Model. https:\\people.revoledu.com\kardi\ tutorial\Growth\