By Kardi Teknomo, PhD .

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Fundamental Relationship between Averages

Time-average , delayed-average , moving-average and delayed-moving-average have several interesting relationships.

Relationship of Time-Average and Moving-average

Fundamental Relationship between Averages

When we set the length of kernel equal to the length of the sequence, that is Fundamental Relationship between Averages , the moving-average is equal to the time-average (tag=movag)

Fundamental Relationship between Averages (13)


Fundamental Relationship between Averages QED

Relationship of Delayed-Average and Delayed-Moving-average

If we set the kernel length of delayed-moving-average into Fundamental Relationship between Averages , the delayed-average is equal to the delayed-moving average (dag=demovag)

Fundamental Relationship between Averages (14)

Fundamental Relationship between Averages


Fundamental Relationship between Averages QED

Relationship of Delayed-Average and Moving-average and Time-Average

Fundamental Relationship between Averages

From the average decomposition diagram (ADD), we can decompose the average of whole sequence into two parts of weighted averages

Fundamental Relationship between Averages (15)

I call Equation (15) as the fundamental theorem of average : time-average is equal to the sum of length-weighted delayed-average and moving-average.


Multiply both side of equation (15) with Fundamental Relationship between Averages we have

Fundamental Relationship between Averages (15a)

Expanding the right hand side of equation (15a) we have

Fundamental Relationship between Averages QED.

From equation (15) we can derive what I call as Shift Property of Average

Fundamental Relationship between Averages (16)

Notice that the right hand side of (16) is evaluated for time Fundamental Relationship between Averages while the left hand side is evaluated at time Fundamental Relationship between Averages

Based on equation (15), we can also derive a ratio of difference. The ratio between the difference of moving average to delayed average and the difference of average to delayed average is equal to the ratio between the delay and the length of sequence in consideration. (relationship of movag, dag and tag)

Fundamental Relationship between Averages (17)


Taking the difference of average and delayed-average multiplies by its own length, we have

Fundamental Relationship between Averages because Fundamental Relationship between Averages .

Expand the second term in the left hand side and put the right hand side to the left we get

Fundamental Relationship between Averages

Gather the same terms

Fundamental Relationship between Averages


Fundamental Relationship between Averages QED

Relationship of Delayed-Average and Delayed-Moving-Average and Time-Average

We can also decompose the measurement sequence into three parts of length-weighted averages

Fundamental Relationship between Averages

From the average decomposition diagram (ADD), we can decompose

Fundamental Relationship between Averages (18)

Combining equation (15) and (18) we have

Fundamental Relationship between Averages

Removing redundant last term of both side gives

Fundamental Relationship between Averages (19)

Equation (19) is the relationship of delayed-average, time average and delayed moving average

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