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Linkages Between Objects
The rule of hierarchical clustering lie on how objects should be grouped into clusters. Given a distance matrix, linkages between objects can be computed through a criterion to compute distance between groups. Most common & basic criteria are
Single Linkage: minimum distance criterion
Complete Linkage: maximum distance criterion
Average Group: average distance criterion
Ward: minimize variance of the merge cluster
Jain and Dubes (1988) showed general formula that first proposed by Lance & William (1967) to include most of the most commonly referenced hierarchical clustering called SAHN (sequential, agglomerative, hierarchical and nonoverlapping) clustering method. Distance between existing cluster k with
objects and newly formed cluster (r, s) is given as
The values of the parameters are given in the table below.
Clustering method |
Single Link |
1/2 |
1/2 |
0 |
-1/2 |
Complete Link |
1/2 |
1/2 |
0 |
1/2 |
Unweighted pair group method average (UPGMA) |
0 |
0 |
weighted pair group method average (WPGMA) |
1/2 |
1/2 |
0 |
0 |
unweighted pair group method centroid (UPGMC) |
0 |
weighted pair group method centroid (WPGMC) |
1/2 |
1/2 |
-1/4 |
0 |
Ward's method |
0 |
(After Jain & Dubes, 1988)
In the
next section
, I will show how to compute hierarchical clustering using Single Linkage Hierarchical Clustering. Other methods of linkages have similar computation with only different in the computational formula.
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This tutorial is copyrighted .
Preferable reference for this tutorial is
Teknomo, Kardi. (2009) Hierarchical Clustering Tutorial.