The Power of a Complex Number
is a complex number and
is a natural number, then we can take the power of complex number
is a complex number and
is a natural number, then we can take the power of complex number
is a natural number, then we can take the power of complex number
Properties of Complex Power
The magnitude is
The direction is
. Note the argument of the results must be reduced mod
. Note the argument of the results must be reduced mod
De Moivre formula:
for n as positive or negative integer. Some authors will make brief function
, such that De Moivre formula becomes
. for n as positive or negative integer. Some authors will make brief function
, such that De Moivre formula becomes
. , such that De Moivre formula becomes
Parallelogram equality
More general case, if we have two complex numbers
, then we can take the power of complex number and
, then we can take the power of complex number , then we can take the power of complex number
See Also : Complex Exponent , Complex Root , Complex Logarithm
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