By Kardi Teknomo, PhD .

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Here is an example of recusive procedure to calculate combination value (or called binomial coefficient)


1. Make a new project
2. To calculate combination, you can also use recursive procedure:

Function CombinationNCR(N As Long, r As Long) As Long
       ' nCr = n!/(r!*(n-r)!)
       ' to make it recursive:
       ' nCr = (n-r+1)/r * nCr-1
       ' where nC0 = 1
       Dim p As Long, i As Integer
       If r = 0 Or r = N Then
            CombinationNCR = 1
            CombinationNCR = CombinationNCR(N - 1, r) + _
            CombinationNCR(N - 1, r - 1)
       End If
End Function

3. Check how is it work.

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