City Block Distance
It is also known as Manhattan distance, boxcar distance, absolute value distance. It represents distance between points in a city road grid. It examines the absolute differences between coordinates of a pair of objects.
For example:
cost |
time |
weight |
incentive |
Object A |
0 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Object B |
7 |
6 |
3 |
-1 |
Point A has coordinate (0, 3, 4, 5) and point B has coordinate (7, 6, 3, -1).
The City Block Distance between point A and B is
Try the interactive program below. Suppose you walk to the North 3 meters and then to the East 4 meters, what is the city block distance to the origin location? Put A = (0, 0) to indicate the origin and B = (3, 4) as the current location, the City Block distance represents the length of walking distance.
Input coordinate values of Object-A and Object-B (the coordinate are numbers only), then press "Get City Block Distance" button. The program will directly calculate when you type the input.
City block distance is a special case of Minkowski distance with
The pattern of City block distance in 2-dimension is diamond. When the sink is on the center, it forms concentric diamonds around the center.

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Preferable reference for this tutorial is
Teknomo, Kardi (2015) Similarity Measurement. http:\people.revoledu.comkardi tutorialSimilarity