By Kardi Teknomo, PhD .

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Input and Output in Visual Basic (VB)

The simplest visual input and output in Visual basic is using InputBox and MessageBox . Now you will make a simple project to see how this work.

1. Drag a Command Button Kardi Teknomo's Visual Basic (VB) Tutorial into Form
2. Click the command button and change the caption property into click me
3. Double click the command button and type

Dim myName
myName = InputBox("input name")
MsgBox "Hello " & myName

4. Run the program and input your name, see what happen?

input box

Notice the tips when you type ( after InputBox and space after the MsgBox. Thats is called Intellisense . Kardi Teknomo's Visual Basic (VB) Tutorial
You have seen how easy is to program in Visual Basic. You dont even need to memorize what are the parameters of your command.

Dim = to declare your variable name myName

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