By Kardi Teknomo, PhD .

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Change of Basis

In this page you will learn how you can transform a point from one coordinate system into another coordinate system.

In the previous topic of Basis Vector , you have learned that we can change the coordinate system. Suppose you have a point with coordinate of Change Basis in Euclidean space (with standard basis coordinate Change Basis and Change Basis ). We want to find the coordinate of the same point in a new coordinate system form by basis vector Change Basis and Change Basis . The figure below shows that the new coordinate of the same point is Change Basis . In this page, I will show you how you will obtain the coordinate in the new coordinate system.

Change Basis Change Basis

Suppose we start with a point Change Basis in the standard Euclidean basis Change Basis and Change Basis . We want to transform it into a new space span by basis vectors Change Basis and Change Basis . First, we can do horizontal concatenation of the new basis vectors into a matrix Change Basis . Then, the coordinate of a point in the old basis Change Basis is equal to the matrix multiplication of the augmented matrix of the new basis Change Basis with coordinate of the point in the new basis Change Basis . That is Change Basis . Thus to get the coordinate of a point in the new basis is the reverse, that is Change Basis .

Our point in the Euclidean basis is Change Basis . Our new basis is vector Change Basis and Change Basis . Augmenting the basis vectors form a matrix Change Basis . The inverse of the matrix is Change Basis . The coordinate of the point in the new coordinate is Change Basis .

Now suppose we want to find back the coordinate of point Change Basis from the coordinate system of basis vectors Change Basis and Change Basis into Euclidean system. Augmenting the basis vectors form a matrix Change Basis . We have our coordinate point Change Basis back.


Transformation of coordinate systems follows equality of matrix-vector multiplication Change Basis , where Change Basis and Change Basis are the matrix of the respective basis vectors. In Euclidean coordinate system, the basis vectors form identity matrix Change Basis . Thus, the formula Change Basis can be simplified into Change Basis or Change Basis .

See Also : Basis Vector , Orthogonal Vector , Orthogonal Matrix

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